Sunday, April 24, 2011


It was recommended to me to make my blog private because of what our family went through a few months back.
Some Info...
As a foster parent I was seen as the enemy to the biological mother. She took my skill at being a mother and took this as a direct threat to her. At one point she insisted that we become facebook friends. I had a different facebook account that I did this with. Not once did she ever write to me. Instead she took my little things I had said and printed them out...she did this at the advice of the Case Manager working for the boys that were in my care. They printed off everything that was said. They took these papers to court, to have a special hearing presenting what I had said to show how good of a parent she was.
I'm not exactly sure how that related...but apparently it was good enough to delay a permanency hearing.
During this time the Case Manager was in contact with our family worker and told her that I had said things that were bad for foster parents to say.

Here is an example:

What did I do to make you hate me so badly? was it when I went to classes, readied my home and became a licensed Foster Home? was it when I was asked to bring a child in need into my home? Was it when that child needed a loving hug, a lap to sit in, a nice warm meal? Was it when I talked with the child and explained to that child that mommy and daddy love them very much and they will hopefully get to see them soon?
did you start to hate me when I took your child to the doctor office, dentist? or did your hate wait until I figure out what foods your child likes to eat? Perhaps your complete disgust for the foster parent of your child started when you looked in the mirror and realized you were not prepared to offer that child what has taken me nearly 17 years to learn.
Do not hate me, because it's ME your FOSTER PARENT that is happy when you make progress and enjoys it when the child gets to see you. It is ME that loves that child, AND you. You made the child, a beautiful happy child full of life waiting to explore the universe.
Let us love this child together, allowing the bonds that have been created not to be ripped from your child. Don't allow your pride to ruin more than it already has.

This was NOT directed at the biological mother, it was my status. She was not my only friend. There were other foster parents, biological parents as friends. ALSO I had some foster children as friends. No one ever posted to my account. No one ever messaged me. No communication was ever followed up on as planned, not by me, but by her, the biological mother.

Despite all of the evil things she said about my family, did to my family...I still pray for her. I always will.

After adopting our youngest, also through fostercare...I had hoped to be closer to what was left of her biological family. Unfortunately that wasn't meant to be. Perhaps some day, as she grows, we will find some type of communication that will work. This way our sweet Abby doesn't loose a very important part of her history.

1 comment:

  1. People never cease to amaze me, how wicked and backhanded they can actually be. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad I get to be part of the group that gets to read your blog! :D
